TIS are pleased to announce the launch of their electric vehicle charging station testing equipment. Able to test both charging modes 2 & 3, and with the added safety of protection CATIII - meaning higher ability to withstand voltage transients - the TIS EV-Test100 EV testing adapter really leads the charge in testing and safety capabilities.
Another major advantage of the TIS unit is the facility to simulate a PE fault. During charging, the electric vehicle is connected to ground through the EVSE or connection cable. If this connection is faulty, the car chassis could rise to a dangerous level due to the tyres insulating the chassis from ground, so the only time the protective RCD can trip is after the vehicle has been touched and a closed fault path occurs (through a person’s body). It is vitally important therefore that when choosing EV testing equipment, the PE test is available.
Although the TIS EV adapter can be used with other appropriate test equipment (those capable of testing a 6mA DC sensitive RCD), it really comes into its own when used in conjunction with the TIS MFTPRO. This MFT has a specific, guided EV AUTO Test Sequence and when used with the TIS EV-Test100 really speeds up and simplifies the whole testing process. Existing owners of the TIS MFTPRO can also obtain a free of charge upgrade to include the AUTO EV mode. The TIS EV-Test100 can be purchased as a standalone unit, or as a combination kit with the TIS MFTPRO - part number rather imaginatively called a ’TIS MFTPRO-EV.