Although electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is designed to charge electric vehicles (EVs), it is not always practical to have an actual EV present when testing the safety and performance of EVSE in accordance with the requirements of BS7671. The EVSE testing adaptor is therefore a way to replicate the conditions presented by an EV so that the charging station can be tested in any environment.
So an EVSE testing adaptor effectively simulates the presence of an EV and has selectable test options which mimic the different charging conditions the charging station then faces. These options are the charger being disconnected, the charger being connected, ready and awaiting charge, the charger being connected and charging, and a pilot error option. So the EVSE test adaptor enables the electrical safety testing of EVSE and is essentially a universal test instrument that is compatible with all EVSE test equipment, which therefore includes private, public and on-street EV charging stations.
What does an EVSE adaptor consist of?
The adaptor itself is a small, hand-held unit with a short lead connected to a type 2 male socket. This socket connects to the EVSE to mimic the vehicle. The control unit of the adaptor has rotary dials on the front for test selection and has a series of input connections for test leads.
Usually an EVSE adaptor will be IP40 protected and will come with a carry case for ease of portability.
What can a typical EVSE adaptor do?
The EVSE adaptor supplied by Test Instrument Solutions is the TIS EV-TEST100. This instrument itself is capable of simulating earth faults and electrical faults to ensure the EVSE recognises these faults and shuts down accordingly. The TIS EV-TEST100 is typical of many EVSE adaptors in that it has a maximum input voltage of 250 volts single phase and 430 volts three phase. But importantly, it is supplied with a cable that links to a multi-function tester to enable the user to run a full auto-sequence test of any mode 2 or mode 3 EVSE. This consists of fault simulation and phase presence indication.
Using the TIS MFT-Pro, for example, the adaptor allows the user to test for:
- Loop test
- RCD test and RDCD test
- PE pre-test
- PP simulation and CP states A, B, C and D
- CP error, PE error and Earth fault tests
The standard 4mm connections mean the adaptor is universal and can be used with any multi-function tester, as long as it has 6mA capability. The TIS EV-TEST100 has LED indicators which show the phase currently being tested and the unit also allows the user to save and export their test data.
When should the EVSE adaptor be used?
EVSE is designed for frequent and repeated use, but cables, connectors and the circuit itself is prone to damage and faults over time which could lead to electric shock. So it is important that EVSE is tested upon installation, at periodic intervals for service and maintenance and for troubleshooting purposes if the EVSE is not operating properly.
Video Demonstration
Find out more about the TIS EV-TEST100 product in our video below:
Please note that this section is for information purposes only. Anyone using equipment referred to in this section must be suitably qualified and/or experienced within the respective field. If in doubt before use, please consult a qualified electrician or engineer & thoroughly read all instruction booklets.