In this edition we publish a report from Mark Allison from Power Sonic Ltd. & Apprentice 121 on potentially life saving safe isolation equipment.
TIS have a reputation for supplying Electrical Safe Isolation equipment at affordable prices to our trade, so I decided to give two of their kits a try, one was a ‘TIS819 SIKIT’ & the other a ‘TIS851 SIKIT’.
Apart from the cost the main difference was the actual Voltage Tester as part of the packs. The ‘TIS819’ version included a 690V voltage only tester, fully compliant to BSEN61243-3, (the essential safety standard which any tester used for proving dead must comply with). The tester doesn’t require batteries to use and has really bright LEDs - so there’s no mistake if something is live. Also included is a proving unit housed in a case with access holes to the sockets - so there’s no reason not to have it with you at all times and use. In order that you can lock off and keep locked off the electrical circuit being worked on, you also get a kit with padlock and importantly a single key, multi-lock hasp, MCB pin in and pin out locking devices along with a universal lock, tag and permanent marker pen all in a quality carry bag.
The ‘TIS851 SIKIT’ variant includes a rather useful voltage tester compliant importantly again to BSEN61243-3, but the extra bits you get for your money on the voltage tester are the ability to carry out continuity and phase rotation tests, along with a torch and self-check mode.
On both kits the probes are compliant to GS38.
All in all I found the components to be well constructed and good value for money - not that money should really come into it where your life is at stake!